Copy and paste the letter below and tailor it to suit your needs. Then, email it to the City Planning Commission.
The subject line MUST contain the zoning case number!
SUBJECT LINE: Zoning Case Z212-358
Dear Dallas City Plan Commissioner,
Thank you for serving on the CPC.
I want the Pepper Square shopping center to remain commercial retail. I do not support Henry S. Miller’s development plan and proposed rezoning for Pepper Square.
I and my wife have lived in our neighborhood for 40 years and Miller’s proposal, adding a significant number of multifamily units and high-rise buildings, would add to the already congested rush hour traffic on Preston and Beltline roads. Miller’s proposed development plan is too dense and out of character with my neighborhood.
I urge you to deny the zoning change.
Thank you for your consideration of my concerns,
Dallas City Plan Commission Secretary
Yolanda Pesina
Email Councilwoman Jaynie Schultz, District 11
Email the developers
Greg Miller, Pepper Square owner
Lee Kleinman, Former Dallas City Councilman & developer consultant for MasterPlan